Shards of Glass
In 1986, the New York Times published an article that shook the food industry. When a Brooklyn mother was feeding her baby Gerber baby food, she noticed that he kept spitting it out.
She followed up on his strange behavior. Her son had been injured by a shard of glass in the baby food. People from 30 states sent in complaints saying they had the same problem. The FDA did not issue a recall because they believed nothing could be done about it.
Two Swirls and a Cup
The bitter fight between a family of five and a large tourist pub in Sydney in 2008 became a hot topic in Australia when the family claimed the chefs served them feces in the form of gelato.
The fight reportedly began after the family complained about the loud music, claiming they couldn’t watch a football game because of it. Later, Ian Macdonald, Australia’s food minister, confirmed that the chocolate gelato did contain traces of frozen feces. It goes without saying that after tasting it, the couple became “violently ill.”