35+ Stomach-Churning Things Discovered In Food That Shouldn’t Have Been There To Begin With

Published on 10/26/2022

Hash Browns With Roach

There are few things more terrifying than seeing roaches running around in your kitchen. Finding a worthy opponent in your meal is a good start. Redditor LinkBoyJ shared a photo of a half-eaten McDonald’s hash brown. He had stopped eating the dish because there was a roach inside of it.

Hash Browns With Roach

Hash Browns With Roach

But don’t be too worried! He mentioned that for this meal, he was able to use the breakfast coupon, which was a good deal! Another Redditor speculated that the server was probably aware of the roach but chose to plate it anyway.


Drinking Carbonated Vermin

Something was wrong with Fred DeNegri’s Pepsi. It had a thick, slimy texture. DeNegri, a Florida resident, decided to take a look. When he turned the can over and looked inside, he noticed a glob of “pink linguining” slipping out.

Drinking Carbonated Vermin

Drinking Carbonated Vermin

The “dark stuff” that followed was similar to the “jellylike substance,” and it was apparently the result of carrion marination in the drinks. The FDA and Poison Control were contacted, and after analyzing the contents of the can, it was determined that the foreign matter was a toad or frog.