When style icons like Caroline de Maigret or Camille Rowe take to the streets, you get the feeling that they have just stepped out of the latest fashion magazine. Their look doesn’t always correspond to the latest trend, they simply know how good styling works. Sounds like an impossible task? What all stylish women have in common is very simple: they follow these simple fashion rules every day. Here are ten styling tips from the fashion pros…

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Knowing What Makes You Feel Good
Rule number one, which really every fashionista knows: She knows what suits her and what she feels comfortable in. Because every outfit, no matter how stylish, looks uncool and ridiculous if the wearer doesn’t feel comfortable. Clothing is and will remain part of our identity. Dressing up just to look fashionable often does the opposite.
A well-stocked Wardrobe
It doesn’t have to be a capsule wardrobe to find your way around your own closet. But a well-organized and clear wardrobe is the first step towards the perfect outfit. It is best to store tops at the top, pants and skirts at the bottom. Hang up shoes and bags or sort them where they are clearly visible. So you can quickly see what fits together and what doesn’t. Sorting by colors and materials also ensures even more order.
Pay Attention To The Weather
No outfit, no matter how hot, looks stylish if it doesn’t suit the weather. Walking around in a dark wool sweater in bright sunshine or in a flowered summer dress in stormy rain somehow seems wrong. That’s why stylish women check the weather app every day and leave nothing to chance.
Plan Enough Time
Speaking of coincidence: If you don’t have the talent to put together the mega outfit par excellence within a few minutes, you shouldn’t risk anything and rather get up a few minutes earlier in the morning. Investing a little more time and effort into the outfit is worth it!
Quality Instead Of Quantity
Having that tenth white shirt in your closet is useless if it doesn’t fit really well. Fashion-conscious women also know this and therefore prefer to rely on fewer pieces that fit perfectly instead of lots of pieces that don’t fit well. It is also worth investing in a good designer piece or a classic piece that you will enjoy for a long time. Poorly fitting or too small items of clothing really have no place in our closet.
Matching Underwear
A good outfit starts with the right underwear underneath. A flashing bra or lace panties that accidentally show under the skin-tight dress will ruin the most beautiful outfit.
Less Is More
Even Coco Chanel knew that when in doubt, less is always more. A simple t-shirt and a pair of well-fitting jeans, or a striped shirt with denim pants are perfect for emergencies and when you’re lacking inspiration. Victoria Beckham and the Olsen twins always have a simple back-up outfit that suits their style up their sleeves.