Strange Things People Have Seen In Other People’s Homes

Published on 11/19/2022
Strange Things People Have Seen In Other People's Homes

Strange Things People Have Seen In Other People’s Homes

Everyone does not decorate their home in the same way. Still, certain things are more than just a matter of personal preference. There are moments when you walk into someone’s home and notice something strange or uncomfortable. All of these people took the time to share weird things they’d seen in other people’s homes.

No Need for Silverware

The things you notice in a house can be quite unexpected. You may be curious to know what things anyone else does keep up within their home and why. How would you feel if you didn’t have any food in your house, for example?

No Need For Silverware

No Need For Silverware

Because they ate out every meal, this family didn’t even bother to connect their appliances. When this person suggested a home-cooked meal, they seemed offended. However, we’re sure they knew all of the good restaurants in town.

Just Throw Them Away

If there is one thing that new parents should be aware of, it is that dirty diapers are not something you want to keep on hand. They do, after all, stink by nature.

Just Throw Them Away

Just Throw Them Away

On the contrary, there was a different way of doing things in one of the houses this person visited. They buried the diapers in the backyard rather than throwing them in the dumpster. According to this account, it worked about as well as you’d expect.

Hiding Their Eyes

Everyone, as previously stated, has something they enjoy and may even collect. To be fair, some collections are more disturbing than others.This doll collection was already a topic that some people disliked.

Hiding Their Eyes

Hiding Their Eyes

The fact that the dolls had no faces when you turned them around only added to the misery. We’re sure that this atmosphere would make visits a little more terrifying.

One Way to Remember

Cutouts of people in life-size are a common novelty gift. Maybe you’re looking for a gag gift, and someone is a big fan of a certain character or piece of media, and it just works.

One Way To Remember

One Way To Remember

Cutouts of real people in your life aren’t quite as forgiving. We can understand why this person would find it strange that this family kept a life-size cutout of a family member who was away at college. It’s even more disturbing that it went all over the house.

Shrine for Grandma

You might think that if you see a shrine to a family member in someone’s home, something tragic must have happened. You probably just thought they were no longer alive.

Shrine For Grandma

Shrine For Grandma

When this person saw a shrine to their friend’s grandmother in her home, they thought the same thing. That wasn’t the case, as it turned out. The grandmother happened to be the leader of a cult in which the entire family was involved.

They Look So Happy

You’ve probably had to take a stock image of a happy family out of a photo frame that you bought. These are simply there to persuade you to buy the picture.

They Look So Happy

They Look So Happy

Even so, you’re supposed to take them out of the frame and replace them with your own photo. When this person went to their neighbor’s house and saw that all of the photo frames had these original images, they were taken aback. The explanation appears to be a little depressing.

Merry Christmas!

Many people decorate their homes with Christmas decorations and a Christmas tree as the centerpiece during the month of December. This is true even among those who aren’t particularly religious.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Even so, as the new year approaches, the majority of people cut down those trees. No one will force you to take down your Christmas tree if you don’t want to. You could always leave the Christmas tree up all year and even change it out for Christmas, as this family did.

Only Expired Food Here

You might find something expired in your kitchen, no matter how hard you try. Perhaps it’s a forgotten box in the pantry or spoiled fruit. However, some people are unconcerned about this.

Only Expired Food Here

Only Expired Food Here

This person claimed to have gone to someone’s house and discovered a food that was so old it had expired in 1995. Worse, no one seemed to mind and had no reservations about eating the expired food when they were hungry.

Do You Need the Time?

When you have your own home, make sure to decorate it according to your personal preferences. You live there, after all, and you should be able to see yourself in your surroundings!

Do You Need The Time?

Do You Need The Time?

However, this does not rule out the possibility of some decor schemes going too far. We’re glad this person was pleased with all of their cuckoo clocks, but the environment appears to be quite noisy. Not to mention the possibility of being punched.

The Worst Decoration

There are some items that should not be kept. Certain items don’t need to be kept, even if the goal is to reduce waste. For example, after clipping your nails, you must dispose of the clippings.

The Worst Decoration

The Worst Decoration

We sincerely hope that no one needs to be informed of this. Unfortunately, this person discovered that this was not the case for everyone. Some people, such as their ex, thought this would be a great item to keep in bottles for bedroom decoration.

How Can You Tell?

You might not expect a lot of strange things when you go out to dinner with a potential business partner. It is, after all, a professional environment. Unfortunately, you may still find something unsettling.

How Can You Tell?

How Can You Tell?

This person noticed something strange while eating at this business associate’s house. The books were all turned to face the wall, with the spines facing out. It’d be impossible to tell which book is which because it’s monochromatic. The end result appears to be a bit perplexing.

Just a Quick Replacement

A hot tub is an excellent way to ensure that you have somewhere to relax whenever you want. The majority of people keep them on their decks or in their backyards.

Just A Quick Replacement

Just A Quick Replacement

This family, on the other hand, decided that going outside was unnecessary. In fact, who needs a living room when you can replace it with a massive hot tub? The fact that they never seemed to use the hot tub is the most confusing aspect of this one.

An Extensive Collection

Having something in your possession isn’t unusual. There are numerous items that you could collect, ranging from coins to stamps to photographs. The only stipulation is that you have enough physical space for your collection.

An Extensive Collection

An Extensive Collection

If you don’t, you might start encroaching on common areas or on the privacy of your neighbors. This person had so many newspapers that it was sometimes difficult to find his or her way around the house.

Sticking to a Theme

When there’s no limit to what you can buy, there’s something to be said for the interior design choices you make. When this person went to their uncle’s house, that’s exactly what they saw.

Sticking To A Theme

Sticking To A Theme

He devoted a lot of time, energy, and funds to his hobbies as a retired millionaire. This coincided with a fondness for devil figurines, plushies, and other related items. At the very least, he’s focused on his passions and surrounded by plenty of it.

That’s an Interesting Choice

There are a few items in your kitchen that aren’t meant to be eaten. You probably don’t eat your dog’s food, for example. This, however, does not appear to be a universal rule.

That's An Interesting Choice

That’s An Interesting Choice

We can understand why this person thought it was strange when a whole family started crunching on dry dog food. They even tried some themselves, but weren’t particularly impressed with the results.

The Perfect Snack

When you’re young, you might do something strange without even realizing it. You might also unintentionally do something strange. This person appreciated the offer of a snack while they were at their friend’s house.

The Perfect Snack

The Perfect Snack

However, they were taken aback when they fished the crackers from the sofa. While they now find it strange, they found it to be quite convenient at the time. We’re curious as to how long they did this for.

Interesting Home Design

Most people incorporate certain elements into their interior design. Many people desire a sofa in their living room, for instance. You could even try to squeeze two couches or at least a love seat into your living room for more lounging space.

Interesting Home Design

Interesting Home Design

On the other hand, eight sofas are just a bit too much. These couches were less comfortable and confusing in the living room because there wasn’t enough room for them.

A Big Fan

As we’ve previously stated, if you love something, it’s only natural to incorporate it into your interior design. If you admire a particular artist, a piece of their work is a wonderful addition.

A Big Fan

A Big Fan

This person was a huge fan of Conway Twitty in particular. With a passion for the singer, they built a 6’4″ homage in their home for all to see. Rubbing the image for good luck became an early life tradition.

Keeping Things Pristine

You might not want someone stepping on your yard if you take it seriously. That is why adding a path is beneficial. However, some people may find it strange to apply the same concept internally.

Keeping Things Pristine

Keeping Things Pristine

This mother accomplished this by creating a low-cost path throughout the house out of carpet samples. No one was allowed to walk on the carpet because the goal was to keep it as clean as possible.

Interesting Placement

When you’re preparing for an estate sale, you get to see what a person’s home looked like when they lived there. It’s not uncommon for this to turn up an odd find now and then.

Interesting Placement

Interesting Placement

This person was surprised by something they saw in one of the houses. While a working toilet is now considered standard, installing one in a dining room rather than a bathroom is less so. Still, that’s what this person thought was appropriate.

A Unique Solution

Some families abstain from consuming milk. There are numerous reasons to do so, ranging from lactose intolerance to following a vegan diet. Many people, on the other hand, find a substitute for milk.

A Unique Solution

A Unique Solution

There are a variety of options in this category, such as oat milk or almond milk. You don’t have to use coffee creamer if you don’t want to. Coffee creamer, on the other hand, would not taste the same on its own or with cereal.

An Awkward Family Reunion

There are some things you don’t want to see your loved ones do. They are, after all, your family, and that relationship comes with its own set of rules. Nude modeling from a family member is definitely not something you want to see.

An Awkward Family Reunion

An Awkward Family Reunion

We’re guessing that this aunt doesn’t want her nieces and nephews to see these photos, either. That doesn’t mean she was able to prevent this person from storing a widely distributed photograph in their home, which would be strange to find.

Placement Matters

It’s not always what you have, but where you keep it that stands out as an odd addition to your house, as we saw with the toilet in the dining room. This person was not unusual in having a bathtub.

Placement Matters

Placement Matters

Most people, in fact, have a bathtub or at the very least a shower. However, you are unlikely to keep your bathtub at the foot of your bed. It was a hazard as well as an eyesore, as this person pointed out.

Hope You Like Richard Simmons

Another way to see how someone you don’t know lives is to go to an open house. While it isn’t entirely natural, it does allow them to show off some of their furnishings.

Hope You Like Richard Simmons

Hope You Like Richard Simmons

This house, for example, would not have stood out as much if every room didn’t have a Richard Simmons photo. According to what they were told, it all stemmed from the homeowner owing the famous instructor a successful workout plan. It would still be unsettling.

Get Ready to Gag

There are some items in your home that serve a specific purpose. Few things are as effective as soothing you when you’re having a bad day. Of course, this is only true if the concept is reasonable.

Get Ready To Gag

Get Ready To Gag

We’re not sure if sticking our hand in a jar of belly button lint would help our mental health. In fact, it may be actively harmful. At the very least, it provided comfort to this family.

Different Snacks

Certain snacks are unpopular because they aren’t particularly tasty. Others may not be on the menu as frequently as they should be because they are unsafe to eat. Because raw hamburger meat is unhealthy, most people avoid it.

Different Snacks

Different Snacks

Furthermore, it is so unhealthy that the majority of people are immediately turned off by it. That didn’t stop the aunt of this person from preparing it as a snack. Worse, she’d eat the whole package with a fork while watching TV.

Just Want to See What Happens

Certain things should be disposed of as soon as possible. That’s why, if bread or produce begins to mold, you toss it out. In a similar vein, any fungus that you notice growing in your shower should be removed.

Just Want To See What Happens

Just Want To See What Happens

How do you get a fully formed mushroom in your shower in the first place? Whatever the case may be, you should not wait to see how big the fungi grow.

Maybe Best to Listen

Some of the items on display are off-limits to touching. Maybe they don’t like it when they’re touched, or they’re easy to break, and no one wants to risk it.

Maybe Best To Listen

Maybe Best To Listen

The item in question for this family was a grenade that their friend’s father kept on display for all to see. They didn’t know much about it except that they weren’t allowed to touch it. “Don’t touch the grenade,” strange or not, appears to be a good rule.

Just Let Them Outside

If you want to have a dog, there are a few things you must do. Take them outside for exercise and to ensure they can do their business, for starters.

Just Let Them Outside

Just Let Them Outside

Leaving them inside all the time, on the other hand, isn’t good for them or for you. This is particularly true if you fail to clean up after them. We could go on and on about why having a room for the dog to use as a bathroom is a terrible idea.

A Rare Pet

You’re probably used to seeing people with certain pets. You wouldn’t blink if you saw someone with a dog or a cat. However, if you looked at things from a different angle, you’d definitely think some pets were odd.

A Rare Pet

A Rare Pet

When this person saw a raccoon in their friend’s house, they were taken aback. They were terrified, as many people would be until they realized it was just a family pet and not a wild raccoon.

No Door Here

You can get away with not having a door in certain rooms in your house. It’s usually fine to leave more open-concept space in a kitchen or a living room. A bathroom, on the other hand, is a different story.

No Door Here

No Door Here

This is one of the few rooms in the house where you’d like to have some privacy. However, this is not the case in every home, including the one in which this individual is speaking. When they showered there, they left it open to the eyes of passers-by and one grumpy cat.

Tasteful Images

In art, it’s not uncommon to see a naked human figure. The human form has been captured for centuries in sculptures, paintings, and even photography. These studies of human composition are even popular among some people.

Tasteful Images

Tasteful Images

Every day, this particular father most likely just wanted to see the art he adored. Even so, when people first walk into a house with only nude artwork, they may be surprised. We’re relieved to learn that he was a generally pleasant person.

Just Walk Around That

They appear to be blessings in your time of need when it comes to a good samaritan. When this person became disoriented, they were relieved to see a friendly face.

Just Walk Around That

Just Walk Around That

She even invited them in for a rest. They were, however, greatly mistaken if they expected the typical grandmotherly decor. Instead, a six-foot-high pile of dirt greeted them in the living room!

Unnecessary Extra Steps

Where do you put trash in your house if there is any? You’re probably staring at your trash can right now if you’re like most people. Even though it is a convenient solution, not everyone uses their trash can.

Unnecessary Extra Steps

Unnecessary Extra Steps

This family, on the other hand, throws all of their trash in the sink for some reason. Putting all of the trash from the day in the sink only to throw it out into a trash can later seems like an unnecessary extra step.

Great Bedside Manner

You’d probably see a lot of strange things as a nurse. At the end of the day, many people require medical attention as a result of bizarre decisions. However, this surprise came from the family of a patient.

Great Bedside Manner

Great Bedside Manner

When this person arrived to assist an elderly patient, they were taken aback to discover that their bed had a suspicious appearance. The family, it turned out, knew he wasn’t going to live long and referred to his bed as a “pre-coffin.”

That’s a Lot of Dogs

Having a dog or two around the house is a wonderful way to keep company and ensure that a few dogs have a safe and loving home. Nonetheless, you shouldn’t adopt every dog you see.

That's A Lot Of Dogs

That’s A Lot Of Dogs

It’s possible to have too many animals in a small space. This person was already taken aback by the sight of nine Yorkies, but the fact that they were all wearing doggie diapers adds to the intensity of the situation.

Half-Dressed Mannequins

Certain memories may come to mind when you think of your grandparents’ home. Perhaps you remember your grandmother baking or your grandfather playing music while you were there.

Half Dressed Mannequins

Half Dressed Mannequins

You’d never forget if your grandparents had a mannequin in their dining room that they changed on a regular basis. Except for giving the mannequin a shirt, that is. We have to wonder how long it would take for the family mannequin’s name to be forgotten.

Just a Skull

There are a couple of things that are almost always unsettling to witness. A human skull, for example, is so often associated with horror that it’s difficult to separate the two.

Just A Skull

Just A Skull

This is particularly true if you notice the skull staring back at you isn’t just for show. This mother had a human skull in the living room with a dollar bill between its teeth. It was also genuine, not a cheap imitation. Isn’t it strange to have someone you know’s skull in your possession?

A Family of Dolls

There’s something to be said for a doll that’s a little too perfect. It enters the uncanny valley and leaves you feeling uneasy. That’s why these dolls were so disturbing.

A Family Of Dolls

A Family Of Dolls

They were not only dolls, but they also had the artistic touch of someone who appreciated realism. Naming the dolls after real people and conversing with them would only add to their realism. According to this person, the more horror they witness, the worse the dolls become.

You Can’t Eat That

There are some things you can’t eat, as we have seen time and time again. Certain foods aren’t allowed in our diet for a reason: they aren’t safe to consume.

You Can't Eat That

You Can’t Eat That

While you can eat chicken, you must ensure that it is thoroughly cooked. If eaten raw, it can make you very sick in a short period of time. As a result, when this person was offered “medium-rare chicken,” they had to decline.

Saving a Few Coins

Everyone saves money in their own unique way. Most people, at the end of the day, only have a limited amount of money to spend. This family, on the other hand, had a habit that would make most people gag.

Saving A Few Coins

Saving A Few Coins

You’d have to pour the milk back into the bottle if you grabbed some milk but didn’t finish it. We’re not convinced that this is the best or even most effective approach.

Extra Space

It can be difficult to find storage in your home. This is especially true in smaller homes and apartments with limited space. This person was actually a part of their mother’s strange eccentricities.

Extra Space

Extra Space

They even carried on doing it well into adulthood. This family uses the microwave instead of picking up a bread box or simply putting the bread in a cabinet or on the counter. We suppose it would work if it didn’t cause you any inconvenience.

Remembering the Family Pet

It’s never easy to lose a pet. Before moving on, many people have their own ways of dealing with the grief of a lost pet. The answer was obvious for this couple.

Remembering The Family Pet

Remembering The Family Pet

They wished to keep their cherished German Shepherd with them at all times. They did this by keeping all of his hair and crocheting it into a couch cushion. No one should be allergic to dogs, hopefully.

Interesting Choices

For the best image quality, any TV must be set to the proper settings. Older televisions, on the other hand, appeared to be even more delicate. This is most likely due to the television’s limited quality.

Interesting Choices

Interesting Choices

Setting one of these TVs to have a contrast ratio of 100 percent and a brightness ratio of 100 percent seems nearly impossible to watch. Nonetheless, it appeared that this family preferred this option when they were watching.

What a Centerpiece

Centerpieces can be used in a variety of ways. There aren’t many rules, and you can change them according to your mood or the situation. You can even use the same centerpiece over and over if you find one you like.

What A Centerpiece

What A Centerpiece

Even if everyone else thought it was strange, this person must have found one they liked. We’re not sure how we’d react if we walked into the kitchen and saw a fully dressed mannequin torso on the kitchen table.
