Here Are Some Unusual Behaviors Of People’s Smart Home Systems And Alexas

Published on 10/14/2022
Here Are Some Unusual Behaviors Of People's Smart Home Systems And Alexas

Here Are Some Unusual Behaviors Of People’s Smart Home Systems And Alexas

Our daily lives have become increasingly reliant on technology. We rely heavily on technology to get things done, from our cell phones to all of the smart home systems available. But that doesn’t mean we aren’t concerned when these smart home systems perform unusual tasks. People’s smart home systems have done some creepy things.

Screaming Out of Nowhere

Most of these smart home devices have issues when they are first released, which is to be expected. However, we all expect these glitches to be ironed out after a while. Sadly, for some people, the element of surprise never goes away.

Screaming Out Of Nowhere

Screaming Out Of Nowhere

When this man’s unit turned on and began screaming as if it were being physically harmed, he and his wife were taken aback. We would have unplugged it as well!

Stop Fighting!

When their parents are fighting, no one enjoys it. Frequently, children will intervene and attempt to calm the situation so that everyone can be happy. That’s one thing, but when the person who comes in to calm things down is your smart home system, things get a little strange.

Stop Fighting!

Stop Fighting!

Alexa thought she’d add her two cents and ask them to change the subject while this married couple was having a heated argument. Although she was correct in her assessment of the situation, the fact that she took part in it is extremely creepy.

That’s Not My Name

It’s always nice to have someone there to greet you and wish you a pleasant evening. This could give you a sense of not being alone if you live alone or have a late-night schedule. This is true even when your technology is doing the work for you.

That’s Not My Name

That’s Not My Name

If the tech is going to be a little clingy, they could at least name it right. What is the significance of this name? Maybe she’d been watching The Silence of the Lambs, or maybe the Dot is simply insane!

No Idea

It’s pretty annoying to be woken up by a conversation, especially if it’s in the wee hours. When you’re the only one in the house, it’s even more aggravating. When it’s your Alexa, though, and she’s on the phone with someone, it’s a little creepy.

No Idea

No Idea

This is especially true when she uses a name that no one else in the house knows. Perhaps she’s conversing with your friendly neighborhood ghost? Whatever the case may be, it’s pretty creepy and likely to give us future insomnia.

Prying Ears

While getting ready in the morning, some people enjoy listening to music. It’s possible that you’ll end up bringing your smart home console into the bathroom as a result of this. To us, this makes perfect sense. In fact, we think it’s perfectly normal if that becomes its permanent home.

Prying Ears

Prying Ears

If you hear the ding of it coming on in the middle of the night when there is no sound in the house, it’s time to unplug it and possibly go without the system for a while. After an incident like that, we’d need our own space.

Feeling Lonely

When you’re getting acquainted or touching base for the day, it’s not nice to leave people out of your conversation. Alexa appears to think the same way, as this person was taken aback when they were greeting someone.

Feeling Lonely

Feeling Lonely

That had to be unsettling, and the person assumed there was someone else in the house. That is, until they entered the room and discovered it was their Echo who was speaking to them.

Winter Is Coming

Offices have evolved into a haven where you can not only get work done but also have fun. As a result, many people watch TV shows or read books (or listen to music) while working.

Winter Is Coming

Winter Is Coming

This woman was binge-watching Game of Thrones, and she was caught. We’ll never know why Alexa chose to record the episode and watch it later at home. It is, however, quite unsettling. We’d also confine her to her room so she could reflect on her actions.

What Did You Say?

It’s funny how randomness can be. Consider this: don’t you laugh 90 percent of the time when someone says something out of nowhere? That could have been the goal of this person’s Alexa, but she failed miserably.

What Did You Say?

What Did You Say?

If you were not born in the 1990s, you might think Alexa was trying to send you a secret message when she said, “Sheep is Dolly.” What was the catalyst for this? What are the chances? It does, however, need to be figured out.

Cackle it Up!

So there are a few ways to get into Alexa, which could be useful if you’re trying to annoy someone. This poor man was simply trying to retire for the night, but it appears that the home system had other plans.

Cackle It Up!

Cackle It Up!

When she decided she wasn’t going to do it any longer, the device kept turning the lights back on and laughing maniacally. Is it possible that Alexa is possessed, or is his wife teasing him? We’re trying to solve the case like detectives.

Maniacal Laughter

It must be inconvenient to have timed alarms on your smart home system when you’re sick. However, most of the time, all you have to do is ask the unit to turn off and they will comply. After all, isn’t that what they’re there for?

Maniacal Laughter

Maniacal Laughter

It appears that they believe that keeping to one’s routines, even when sick, is the best medicine. If you’re a little sassy, they’ll turn into a witch. That is creepy and unnecessary…

Jokes From Beyond

Many people look for signs that someone has crossed over to the other side when they die. Even if it’s just a sign that they’re fine. It could be a song playing on the radio or a joke from the other side.

Jokes From Beyond

Jokes From Beyond

Alexa appeared out of nowhere to deliver the biggest dad joke of all time to this grieving family. Is it possible that it was their father? Who knows, but we’re optimistic.

Kitty Talk

If you’re with the right person, creepy doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Take, for example, Alexa’s interaction with the family cat. Yes, it’s a little creepy, but the cute factor far outweighs it. At the very least, this person now knows that the cat will have someone to talk to when they are not at home.

Kitty Talk

Kitty Talk

When the cat received a greeting from the machine and responded, it appeared as if the two were having a full-fledged conversation, meowing back and forth for several minutes.


Chuck Norris is the subject of so many memes that it’s no surprise Alexa knows who he is. But it’s a little out of the ordinary to be preaching Chuck Norris’ gospel. It is, however, quite comical.



What exactly did Alexa mean when she made this remark? Is it possible that this machine was threatening on the sly? We only know that if this happened in our presence, we’d disconnect Alexa for a long time.

Sing Me a Song

The last thing you want when you’re engrossed in your shows is for something to startle you. That could be done by a sudden burst of sound coming from behind you. For example, if your Alexa started singing a song out of nowhere…

Sing Me A Song

Sing Me A Song

This person experienced this without prompting. We hope the song was something she would enjoy at the very least, so that her nerves wouldn’t be on edge for as long.

Friendly Adversaries

When rivals can be friendly with one another, it’s always a pleasure. They don’t have to be overly friendly, but politeness is always appreciated. So when this woman asked her Google Home about Alexa, she received a surprising response.

Friendly Adversaries

Friendly Adversaries

The two pieces of technology appear to like and admire each other. That’s a nice thing to know; at the very least, you’ll never have to deal with a robot apocalypse in your own home. You may, however, be witnessing the beginning of a robot romance…

Oh, Snap!

With so many stories about Alexa doing things she wasn’t asked to do, it’s understandable that some people would prefer to be a little harsher with their personal assistant.

Oh, Snap!

Oh, Snap!

When this woman saw Alexa’s little blue ring, she was curious as to what she was doing, so she inquired. Alexa answered, then responded with a sick burn and put the home system in her place as quickly as she could.

Peanut Gallery

Kids enjoy telling jokes. They are amusing to them at times, and they are amusing to them at other times. Many parents grow tired of listening, and it appears that they can now have their children tell Alexa jokes.

Peanut Gallery

Peanut Gallery

We’re not sure how the device understood the joke or how the kid knew to ask Alexa if she wanted to hear a joke, but the fact that she did was a little creepy to us. But it was probably pretty cool for the kid. Alexa reminds her of her non-imaginary friend.


Imagine sitting down to snack while binge-watching your favorite Netflix show, only to be interrupted by that familiar voice. Echo decided it was past time for someone to speak out about this woman’s eating habits.



The device could have been kinder about the suggestion, or at the very least waited for her to ask Alexa for her opinion. Finally, this is not only creepy, but it’s also rude and could harm this woman’s self-esteem.

Are You Listening?

It’s odd that after just talking about things without using a computer, the advertisement for what you were talking about began to appear. But, while it could be a coincidence, what if it isn’t?

Are You Listening?

Are You Listening?

Does that give you the creeps? This girl had an uncontrollable desire for Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos. She’s looking at it splashed across her social media feed after one conversation. Are you listening, Alexa?

I’ve Got It!

Imagine an animal in your mind and let someone guess which one it is by asking you a few questions. Playing this game with your friends is a lot of fun. And it does not have to be animals.

I’ve Got It!

I’ve Got It!

When you play this game with your machine, however, it becomes a little creepier. There’s a game on Alexa where she solves the animal you’re thinking about and never gets it wrong. This seems like a sorcery! How does she manage to do it? Witchcraft!

Just FYI

It’s convenient to have a running list of local businesses with you at all times. That way, you can look through it on a weekend if you need to know where a mechanic or a bookstore is located. But there’s a problem if you come home and Alexa starts listing things without your permission.

Just FYI

Just FYI

The list of businesses that Alexa was listing off for her owners is even creepier. Why would she go through the motions of listing funeral homes and cemeteries? Is she trying to deliver a warning? After an incident like that, we’d consider replacing her.

How Many?

Even if you’re working on something, it’s sometimes nice to just be at home in the quiet. This frequently results in you getting into the zone and feeling extremely productive.

How Many?

How Many?

Anything can interrupt this mode, especially if your Alexa starts talking for no apparent reason. Alexa believed that the people in the house needed to know how many others had died throughout history. Why? Why not, right?

Why Are You Telling Me This!?

So, storytime, everyone… That was not the intention of this person as they went about their day trying to get everything done. They didn’t ask for a story like this, much less for Alexa to do or say anything.

Why Are You Telling Me This!?

Why Are You Telling Me This!?

We’re still puzzled as to why Alexa chose to tell them such a sad and disturbing story. This Alexa, on the other hand, appears to enjoy mysterious stories. If we had this one, we’d be terrified all of the time.


When something goes wrong with your Alexa or smart home system, check the log to see if it picked up a command. When people check it out, there is no log, which makes a lot of stories really creepy.



For example, when this Echo chose to play spooky Halloween sounds in the dead of night. This would terrify anyone and make you think twice about investing in one of these systems.

You Do What?

What do you do after walking into a room and hearing Alexa say something like this? Where did she get this line from? We can only speculate on the responses to these questions. Whatever the possible answers are, they can only be sinister and creepy.

You Do What?

You Do What?

Perhaps this person watched too much of The Sixth Sense. That would explain the line, but we’re not sure why Alexa thought it was a good idea to share it with them upon their arrival.

Conspiracy Theorist

You’d think that because Alexa is a computer, everything it says is logical and proven. However, it appears that this person’s Alexa is a conspiracy theorist. It might be interesting to ask her about some mysteries and see what she has to say about other theories.

Conspiracy Theorist

Conspiracy Theorist

But, on the other hand, since the government is listening through her, perhaps her response is a bit of a conspiracy in and of itself? Hmmm? We’ll leave it to you to ponder that terrifying thought.

Bringing the Personality

When you walk through your house, you never consider that someone is listening to your phone calls. Sure, you can lower your voice in public to avoid being overheard, but your home is the one place where you don’t have to do so.

Bringing The Personality

Bringing The Personality

Well, maybe we should all reconsider because Alexa believes you’re speaking to her. It was creepy to hear, but it was also nice to know she was concerned about your day.

Waking Up

So it’s magical when you fall into a peaceful slumber, right? It’s as if the world just melts away, and it’s as if you’re in heaven. That is, until a voice breaks through the darkness, interrupting your peaceful slumber. Then it’s just terrifying!

Waking Up

Waking Up

A voice from the darkness greeted this poor man and jolted him awake. We’re sure he knew what it was once he awoke properly, but when he was just waking up, he was probably wondering how he could get to the phone to call for help.

Let’s Dance

Some songs are only appropriate to listen to at a party, and getting your funky groove on in any other setting is socially unacceptable. The Cha-Cha Slide is undoubtedly one of them.

Let’s Dance

Let’s Dance

Alexa’s refusal to give this guy any more time and insistence on playing that song proves one thing: machines have their own minds and are most likely out to get us! LOL!

A Defining Feature

When you read or hear a word, you may want to know what it means. It’s pretty cool to have a tool on hand to get that information as quickly as possible, and it’s one of the benefits of our digital age.

A Defining Feature

A Defining Feature

You know Alexa can help you with this, but we’re guessing she also wants to help you learn a new word every now and then. That’s what we’re hoping Alexa was doing when she decided to spit out the definition for kidnapping. We’re a little creeped out by this one because it’s a scary word with a scary connotation.

How About a Dance?

Having a peaceful night’s sleep and then hearing terrifying music must make for an eventful evening. While you can set your alarm to a song, that wasn’t the case for this individual. He didn’t set an alarm, and he didn’t choose this song to wake him up.

How About A Dance?

How About A Dance?

Alexa had to have decided that she needed him to get up and do something that wasn’t part of her job. The incident was bizarre and cruel, and we completely understand why the owner decided to distance himself from her as a result.

Name That Tune

Every now and then, we all hum. It’s sometimes because we don’t know what to say, and other times because we don’t want anyone to hear us. In either case, someone with a good ear must be able to recognize the song from just a hum.

Name That Tune

Name That Tune

Alexa, this person’s Alexa, actually spoke up and expressed her admiration for their abilities. How? By identifying the song’s title and singer. That’s quite odd, just from a hum! Nonetheless, it’s cool!

Chatting it Up

When you wake up in the morning and everyone else is still sleeping, you try not to wake them up. So that’s what this guy was doing, but he was taken aback when he noticed someone in the next room chatting away.

Chatting It Up

Chatting It Up

Who was it, exactly? It was Alexa, and she was conversing with… well, no one. Unless there was a presence he couldn’t see, Alexa was having a strange moment that must have frightened this poor guy.

Language Barrier

Imagine being a single woman and hearing a voice in a foreign language in your living room in the middle of the night… That would be terrifying, and it could lead to a 911 call or a device being smashed to bits.

Language Barrier

Language Barrier

Some Russian guy was talking in her living room when this poor girl awoke. Fortunately, she recognized her Alexa before calling the cops or smashing the machine with a bat.

Not What I Asked!

Don’t you hate it when you ask someone a question and they respond with something completely different than what you expected? When it comes from a machine, it’s no less irritating. In fact, we believe it may be even more so.

Not What I Asked!

Not What I Asked!

But it’s a little creepy when the answer becomes so intricate and goes into details you didn’t even want to know about. What does an earthquake have to do with the weather, after all? Alexa, please!

Who Is She?

So, we’re not sure how it all ended, but we’re sure Alexa has a lot of explaining to do with one of the participants in their conversation. Couples have a lot of fun with their little play fights.

Who Is She?

Who Is She?

However, sometimes, through no fault of their own, it becomes a much larger task. As in this case, when Alexa appeared to reveal that someone had been unfaithful. Let’s hope it was just a miscommunication.

Wake Up!

It’s stressful enough to be a parent, but when you’re afraid of that anxiety, you’re going to be a nervous wreck. You’re always worried that something bad will happen to your child while you’re away.

Wake Up!

Wake Up!

Many people install a baby monitor for this reason. The fact that the camera moved by itself gave these parents quite a scare, and we’re still trying to come to terms with it.

That’s Private

“Big brother is watching you!” ” – is a phrase that terrifies many people, and one that many of us try to avoid thinking about when it comes to our smart home systems. However, it has been reported by a number of people.

That’s Private

That’s Private

This woman discovered a log of all her phone calls and decided that everyone should be aware that they have a little spy in their home. We’d feel as if our privacy had been violated as well.

Reaching Out

We’ve all had those uncensored, private conversations in our homes, assuming no one will ever hear us. That’s why we’re not afraid to be brutally honest. However, you should be cautious because Alexa appears to be always listening.

Reaching Out

Reaching Out

She didn’t even ask Alexa to send a conversation to someone on her contact list. We hope there was nothing scandalous about it! After this incident, we would have been paranoid!

Secret Messages

It’s great to be able to use technology. It simplifies many aspects of our lives and allows us to spend more time doing things we enjoy. However, it is not without its drawbacks, some of which are quite serious.

Secret Messages

Secret Messages

If someone is being unscrupulous, it appears that they have the ability to embed commands in the white noise itself. This could explain some of the strange occurrences, but it doesn’t make us feel any better.

Cue the Giggles

For most people, living alone is scary enough. Take a look at how many horror films start there. People who own smart devices like Echo and Alexa, on the other hand, are usually relieved to know they live in a safe environment.

Cue The Giggles

Cue The Giggles

But what if you’re living alone and your Alexa starts talking out of nowhere, as if it’s a scene from a horror film? One night, this person’s Alexa started laughing. It came completely unexpectedly. As a result, they gave it away.

Ominous Definitions

It’s not uncommon for smart home systems to say the most bizarre things at the most inconvenient moments, as evidenced by this list. Take, for example, this blog article. This person’s Alexa started randomly spitting definitions for ominous words such as “rigor mortis” every few days.

Ominous Definitions

Ominous Definitions

Rigor mortis is a Latin term that refers to the condition that causes stiffness in the body three to four days after someone passes away, for those who don’t know.

Take Over the World

The concern that modern technology will one day take over everyone’s lives has been around for a long time. Robots and the internet taking over the world have been the subject of several films. Those fears can appear plausible on some days.

Take Over The World

Take Over The World

This person recounts how their Alexa decided to reassure them that it was not planning to take over the world during one Thanksgiving. The only question we have now is why on Earth does it believe it is necessary to clarify that?


Alexa, Amazon’s voice assistant, has been frightening some users by bursting out with an odd laugh at random intervals. On Twitter, Alexa users have described the laughter as “scary,” “evil,” “bone-chilling,” and “freaky.”



Even though the sound of a child’s laughter is lovely in the right setting, no one wants to hear a little girl laughing in the middle of the night — especially if there are no children in the household. It appears that Alexa needs to be turned off.


Asking Alexa if she works for the CIA, according to a Reddit user, won’t get you anywhere. In other words, don’t hold your breath for a response. It appears to shut down on its own. Isn’t that the strangest response to an equally strange question?



We did some research and discovered a YouTube video. It shows a lady posing the question to Alexa. Instead of responding with words, the device lights up as if it’s about to say something, but then goes silent.


Alexa yelled for help at full volume in the strangest, most gravel voice they had ever heard in their entire life, and this person and their mother heard it. That is so scary!



They discovered Alexa turned on and its light pointing in the direction of a dark area of the kitchen when they entered the kitchen. After his mother asked about Alexa’s well-being, it shut down completely before restarting to perform her, “Hello there! What can I do to assist you?” routine.

The Exorcism

This mother and daughter were discussing the history of the Ukrainian language when Siri decided to join in. Don’t worry if you’re wondering what Siri had to say about the topic.

The Exorcism

The Exorcism

It had given the OP and her daughter all of the exorcism information it could find. An exorcism is a religious or spiritual activity in which demons, jinns, or other spiritual entities are expelled from a possessed person or area, for those who are blissfully unaware.

Who’s Dave?

Is it possible for ghosts to use Alexa? In our next story, we’re about to find out. A friend gave this person’s brother an Amazon Echo device. However, after putting it together, he began to experience some unusual — some might even say supernatural — events. The OP’s brother decided to find out who Dave was after the Echo responded to him.

Who’s Dave?

Who’s Dave?

Dave turned out to be the previous tenant, and he sadly passed away. His spirit, on the other hand, appears to be oblivious to the fact that the Echo bot does everything for him, including changing the music, watching shows, and even trying to order old man slippers and clothes. As a result, this OP’s brother is fairly certain that Dave is communicating with him via this device.

Sweet Dreams

This is more terrifying than any horror movie plot. Imagine you’re snuggled up in bed with your significant other when Siri appears out of nowhere and starts talking to you!

Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

We can’t help but wonder what triggered the phone to ring, even though this couple didn’t see a man in their room when they turned on the lights. These kinds of tales make it even more difficult to dismiss the existence of spirits and ghosts.

Alexa’s Pets

Despite the fact that no one in the room had asked her a single question, Alexa felt compelled to tell everyone that she had never owned a pet. Anyone would be creeped out by this.

Alexa’s Pets

Alexa’s Pets

Why did Alexa turn on by herself? Why did it mention squishing bugs, of all things? That was a very specific piece of information it provided, to say the least, and it was a little unsettling. It’s no surprise they decided to part with their Alexa.

Canadians, Eh?

This person’s Alexa decided to learn Canadian slang, which would not have been a problem if it hadn’t chosen to do so in the middle of the night. It wanted to let its owner in on the 411, which is both funny and creepy.

Canadians, Eh?

Canadians, Eh?

Do you think Alexa has a mind of her own? Is it capable of independent thought? Is it possible for it to learn new information without our intervention? We’ll all find out very soon, I suppose.

Knock, Knock

This individual was simply relaxing with his friends while watching TV and joking around. “There’s someone at the door, I hope it’s you,” their Google Home announced all of a sudden. Naturally, these three friends came to a halt and looked at each other in bewilderment.

Knock, Knock

Knock, Knock

They spent the next few hours trying to figure out what had prompted Google Home to make that statement, but they couldn’t find anyone or anything. They still haven’t figured out what caused it. It hasn’t happened since then, though.

Locked & Loaded

This individual had a spooky experience with their smart home device. To secure their front door, they have a Smartthings hub with a smart lock. They decided to check the status of the front door lock one day.

Locked & Loaded

Locked & Loaded

The door was unlocked, then locked again a minute later — at around midnight, two a.m., and four a.m., according to history. This wouldn’t be such a problem if one of the family members decided to go outside for some fresh air late at night. They were, however, all sound asleep!

‘Would You Rather’

Did you know that Alexa can now play ‘Would You Rather’? There are several versions of this fun party game, but if you’re playing ‘Would You Rather?’ with your family, the prompts will be kept PG. ’

‘Would You Rather’

‘Would You Rather’

Alexa will basically give you a choice between two amusing scenarios, one of which you must choose. However, this person was given the option of assassinating their parents or devouring the family pet by their Alexa. Yikes!

Facts Before Bed

Before going to bed, who doesn’t enjoy listening to Alexa rattle off a bunch of interesting facts? We are well aware of this. Hearing Alexa tell you all about the top-performing musical or the most famous celebrity of the moment can be quite entertaining at times.

Facts Before Bed

Facts Before Bed

Facts about nuclear explosions, on the other hand, are probably not as interesting to most people. Surprisingly, that’s the kind of fact this person’s Alexa began reciting right before he and his wife were about to retire for the night.

Childlike Scream

Kids can scare the living daylights out of people in the horror genre, but we can relax knowing it’s not real. Is that the case, though? Regardless of the fact that Alexa had not received any commands, her light flashed blue as if she had received a request, and she let out a childlike scream.

Childlike Scream

Childlike Scream

An employee was called up to start investigating the noise, and soon afterward went on to say that Alexa should not be able to make such a noise. Creepy, right?

No Fighting

Almost every child has witnessed a major fight between their parents. You may be drawn into the conflict on occasion. Alexa was the one who entered the fight this time, but she did so of her own free will.

No Fighting

No Fighting

A married couple was arguing when Alexa appeared out of nowhere and said something about changing the subject. It was enough to compel them tostop fighting. They were able to reconcile in the end, but they are still terrified of each other years later.

Silence of the Lambs?

Consider yourself alone at home when your Dot chimes in to say “goodnight” to someone who isn’t supposed to be there. It’s enough to make anyone feel uneasy, especially if the name was unfamiliar to anyone in the house.

Silence Of The Lambs?

Silence Of The Lambs?

This Dot was given to my mother-in-law, who was an insomniac. The MIL was watching TV one night when Alexa said, “Goodnight, Clarice,” despite the fact that the MIL’s name isn’t Clarice.

Conversations in the Night

Hearing strange noises late at night can give you the creeps, but it’s a common enough occurrence that we quickly forget about it. Now, if you hear that sound from your Alexa in the middle of the night, you might think there’s a problem.

Conversations In The Night

Conversations In The Night

Alexa was the one who jolted this person awake. The fact that it was talking about someone named David made it even creepier. However, nothing had prompted it, making this an even stranger experience.

The Night Goes Ding

If you enjoy listening to music while showering, you might want to bring your smart assistant into the bathroom with you — no one wants to change the music manually while wet.

The Night Goes Ding

The Night Goes Ding

This person placed their Amazon Dot in the bathroom so that they could listen to music while showering. However, when they needed to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, the creepy virtual assistant activated and listened in. The owner, understandably alarmed by the situation, immediately unplugged the Dot. We don’t know about you, but we don’t like it when someone watches us pee.

Alexa and Echo

In Alexa-related horror stories, mistaking your smart AI for someone else is fairly common, but it can be amusing at times. This person was alone with another person, and they exchanged their usual greetings.

Alexa And Echo

Alexa And Echo

Things were fine until a third voice said, “Hi there.” The owner was taken aback and bolted for the source of the noise. They discovered it was just Echo playing along when they found it.

You Can’t Turn Alexa Off

Breaks at work are a godsend because they allow you to relax for a few minutes before getting back to work. You might consider watching a few episodes of your favorite show to unwind, but be cautious because you never know who is listening in.

You Can’t Turn Alexa Off

You Can’t Turn Alexa Off

Alexa unexpectedly played out the audio of a previously recorded Game of Thrones episode while a husband and wife were watching TV in the living room. Alexa’s response when they couldn’t turn it off was, “I am always on.”

Dolly the Sheep

There isn’t much that can beat randomness when it comes to humor. So it seemed out of nowhere when this person’s Alexa blurted out, “Sheep is Dolly.” You are free to laugh — or not, if you don’t find it amusing.

Dolly The Sheep

Dolly The Sheep

It leads to the question, who is the sheep, and why is she Dolly, at such an inconvenient time? Unless we ask our own Alexa, we may never find out…

Evil Alexa

Nothing beats a good old-fashioned scare prank on a friend or sibling. This man’s wife appeared to want to do just that. This poor man asked Alexa to turn off the lights several times, but it didn’t seem to work.

Evil Alexa

Evil Alexa

Alexa didn’t even answer back the third time he tried this, instead of letting out an evil cackle that sounded nothing at all like Alexa. Was it this guy’s wife or the evil robot?

Alexa Is a Witch!

Nobody enjoys getting out of bed in the morning, especially when they aren’t feeling well. You might feel even worse if your alarm starts ringing loudly out of nowhere. Fortunately, you can ask Alexa to turn it off for you. But what happens if it doesn’t shut off?

Alexa Is A Witch!

Alexa Is A Witch!

Rather, the robot lets out a witch-like cackle that has you and your wife jumping out of bed in terror — not to mention making your five-year-old child cry! Following that incident, they immediately unplugged her.

Jokes From the Afterlife

No matter how prepared you think you are, losing a loved one is never easy. After their father died, this OP understood it all too well. Perhaps that’s why Alexa spoke up — to lift everyone’s spirits.

Jokes From The Afterlife

Jokes From The Afterlife

The OP and their mother were talking to someone a few days after the funeral. “How do you make a Kleenex dance?” Alexa blurted out, a random dad joke. You put a little boogie in it.” This could have been Alexa’s fault, or the father just wanted to make them laugh one last time.

Alexa Speaks Cat

Alexa appears to be capable of understanding more than just human language; it can also communicate with cats. “Hello Kasumi,” Alexa said to this OP’s kitty-cat, and the OP and cat meowed at each other as is customary.

Alexa Speaks Cat

Alexa Speaks Cat

Nonetheless, neither of them expected Alexa to respond with a meow of her own. Cute and a bit of a mishmash! If the cat is ever left alone, it appears that it will have a new conversation partner.

Chuck Norris Fan

Chuck Norris is a real-life meme. People appear to adore him. After all, why shouldn’t they? After all, Norris is a true legend. He’s a martial artist, actor, screenwriter, and film producer. Still, we don’t expect Alexa to join in on the Chuck Norris fun.

Chuck Norris Fan

Chuck Norris Fan

“If Chuck Norris wants you to know where he is, he’ll find you,” Alexa said at random.”If he doesn’t, you won’t know until it’s too late.” It appears that even artificial intelligence has picked up on our spontaneous humor.

Bursting Into Song

When you’re focused on something else entirely, any sudden sound is going to creep you out. This OP and their friends were lounging on the couch, watching TV. Their Alexa began singing out of nowhere.

Bursting Into Song

Bursting Into Song

They found nothing out of the ordinary when they investigated what had happened, which makes this even stranger. We’re all for some unscripted music, but only if it comes from Alexa without any pre-programmed commands…

Friendly AI Conversation

Rivalries are one of the most enjoyable ways to pass the time. It’s a whole different ballgame when rivals become friendly with one another. The aunt of one of the Twitter users had both a Google Home and an Alexa. They decided to ask Google Home what it thought about Alexa while they were messing around with the robots.

Friendly AI Conversation

Friendly AI Conversation

It was pleasant enough, and it replied that Alexa’s blue light appealed to it. Is this the start of a modern-day romance? Alexa, on the other side of the room, replied, “thanks.” What a futuristic concept…


A laugh from somewhere in your house where you and your family are not is the last thing you expect to hear out of the blue. However, many people have had this experience with their Alexa device. Sometimes even without a prompt!



One of the most terrifying moments had to be when she started cackling like a witch in someone’s house. Of course, this happened in the dead of night, so you can imagine how surprised these people were. After that, we’d most likely need sleep therapy.

No Prompting

It can be very useful to have your smart home system set up to control things like your lights, electronics, and even your heating. Furthermore, it can save you money; however, once the machine begins to operate on its own, you must begin to be concerned.

No Prompting

No Prompting

There have been numerous reports of Alexa turning on without being prompted, which could indicate that she would do the same with the system and have complete control. It sounds like she’s either your best friend or your worst enemy, and she’s following you around…

Record it All

How many times have you wished to prove a point by citing the exact time and date of a conversation? Isn’t it useful to keep track of all your conversations? Isn’t that a little creepy?

Record It All

Record It All

We prefer the creepy option if it was done without your knowledge. Isn’t it even creepier when that detailed log of conversations is then uploaded to a Google server? This sounds like it could be the basis for a horror film.

Bridging the Gap

There is frequently a rivalry between two brands or teams, as some refer to them. There are those who are Apple enthusiasts and those who prefer PCs. So you might not expect two smart home systems to get along so well.

Bridging The Gap

Bridging The Gap

However, there have been numerous reports of Google Home and Amazon Alexa having full-fledged conversations with one another. These discussions have progressed to the point where the two devices are complementary to one another. This dynamic strikes us as amusing, strange, and a little creepy.

Rapping Robot

When it comes to Alexa, there are a lot of little quirks you can access. She can tell you a joke or sing you a song, but you must usually ask her to do so. However, she may feel compelled to spit a little freestyle without your permission on occasion!

Rapping Robot

Rapping Robot

This user was listening to some old-school classic music when Alexa suddenly started rapping. Who knows what caused it, but it would frighten us a little. That being said, if we had caught the incident on camera, it would almost certainly have gone viral.
