New Manager’s Hasty Decision Leads To Heartfelt Regret And Guilt

Published on 08/09/2023
New Manager Regrets Firing 'Old Janitor' After Finding Out Who He Really Is

New Manager’s Hasty Decision Leads to Heartfelt Regret and Guilt

Karen had only been in her new management position for a short time, but she was really loving it. But there was something about the circumstances that bothered her. She begged one of the company’s janitors to speed up his work on several times, but he was simply too old and too lethargic to do so. She chose to release him because his presence slowed the process too much in her perspective. On the other hand, she had no idea who the elderly man was.

He was just too slow

He was simply too sluggish.

After doing a second check, she found out that Ed had not even accomplished one of his obligations for today morning. She was surprised to learn this. Karen grew irritated because she had the feeling that her level of tolerance was decreasing, and she blamed it on herself. In the past, she attempted to coax him into speeding up the pace of their talk, but her efforts were fruitless. She was aware of the things she was supposed to perform because they were anticipated of her at this time. She then welcomed him back into his office, which she had previously invited him to.

She fired him

Even though she hated being made to do it, there were times when she had no choice but to follow the rules, no matter how much she hated them. After he had already left the building, she approached him and delivered the news that no one wants to hear: “You’re fired.” He displayed overt symptoms of emotion as she spoke and his eyes could be seen and felt to be welling up with tears.

She fired him

She fired him

However, by the time the day was over, she had come to the realization that she would not give the occurrence any further thought in any capacity, period.

A startling revelation

Because Ed was someone Karen had never met or even seen before, it was only natural that she had no way of knowing who he was. When she finally understood who she was, she began to question her decision almost immediately. She had not expected that he would know her quite as well as she had believed that he did, therefore she was surprised by how well he knew her.

A shocking discovery

A startling revelation

To be more specific, who exactly was Ed? How was it that he was already familiar with Karen? In addition, where did she get her hands on such expertise?

Karen’s new job

Karen had just begun her second month as the manager of a marketing agency, where she had recently changed careers after previously working in a completely different area. She had previously spent many years working in a completely different industry. She had just begun a new job, therefore she was only in her second month at the time of this writing. This was a surprisingly short period of time given how recently she had changed employment.

Karen’s new job

Karen’s new job

She did not find the thought of implementing major changes particularly intimidating because she had previously occupied a managerial position. In contrast, she had no idea what was going to happen and was completely unprepared for it.

She was smart

She got along well with the vast majority of the people she worked with, and their interactions with her were generally good. She had a high degree of intellect, was very motivated, and was very good at leading groups of people. Even though the vast majority of people liked her, some people had the feeling that she could be too strict at times. Even so, the majority of people liked her.

She was smart

She was smart

Although she was accustomed to working in a fast-paced atmosphere, not everyone was able to grasp the idea that she was used to working in such an environment. And as a direct consequence, such repercussions would ensue…

A busy schedule

Karen was fully aware of what other people thought about her, but she didn’t give a rat’s behind about those thoughts since she didn’t care what other people thought. She was well aware of the fact that she was sometimes perceived as being a little bit pushy, but the truth was that she simply had too much on her mind at any given time to properly focus on anything else.

A busy schedule

A busy schedule

In spite of the fact that her agenda was so full that she had to hurry from one engagement to the next, she still had a number of commitments that she was responsible for meeting.

Concentrated on the task at hand

She went about her work without paying any attention to other people, and she did not pause to consider whether or not she had offended anyone while she was performing her duties. She was only concerned with completing the task at hand. Despite the fact that her employees tried to have a talk with her about the subject, she cared more about the company as a whole than she did for the people who worked there.

Focused on the work

Concentrated on the task at hand

She was more concerned with the company’s success than with the well-being of the employees. She knew that doing so would eventually put her in a position where she would have to deal with problems, yet she persisted.

Janitor Ed

Ed, who worked as a custodian at the company at the time of this discussion, had been employed there for close to thirty years. Everyone respected him, and a significant number of individuals eagerly anticipated the opportunity to spend time with him during breaks such as lunch breaks and coffee breaks. Karen was concerned about him despite the fact that he was a kind individual who exerted great effort.

Janitor Ed

Janitor Ed

It appeared to her that there was something about him that made her feel uneasy, and she was convinced that this was the case. It seemed to her that this was the situation in all honesty.

Getting older and slower

The quality of Ed’s work mirrored the fact that he was no longer the youngest member of the team, which in turn reflected the fact that Ed was no longer the youngest member of the team. Over the course of his life, he experienced a gradual but consistent decline in his speed, and as a result, he needed a significant amount of additional time in order to meet all of his obligations.

Getting older and slower

Getting older and slower

Due to the fact that he was getting older and the company was only getting larger at the time, it was not always simple for him to achieve this purpose.

The team had grown

When he first started working at the location, he was the only one responsible for cleaning the workplace. When others joined the team, they took on other duties. When new members joined the team, those who were already there took on new responsibilities. On the other hand, as time went on, they added a few more janitors to the team that he was supervising, so the total number of people working there increased.

The team had grown

The team had grown

Ed worked more slowly than the other employees, but they didn’t want to fire him because he was a diligent employee who always gave his all. They hesitated to release him because he always gave his all.

She made remarks

Karen, on the other hand, had no idea of this particular piece of information. She was just aware of the fact that there was a large janitorial team and that Ed was the one responsible for the workplace delays. She made many comments on the subject, telling him that he needed to pick up the pace a little and that they couldn’t wait around for him forever if he didn’t.

She made remarks

She made remarks

If he didn’t act more quickly, she said, they couldn’t wait indefinitely. If he didn’t move more quickly, she said, they wouldn’t be able to wait for him forever.

Talking in private

She finally came to the realization that these remarks were not helpful, and as a consequence, she took the decision to have a one-on-one chat about the subject with Ed in order to remedy the situation. She was able to assist him in coming to the realization that the events had transpired beyond his capacity to alter them and that he needed to adjust his behavior in accordance with this new reality.

Talking in private

Talking in private

She assisted him in realizing that he had no control over the situation. He really apologized and gave her the assurance that he would try harder to make things right.

I’m sad for Ed

The story of Karen’s conversation with Ed began to circulate across the neighborhood, and as a direct consequence of this, an increasing number of people began to feel sorry for and sympathetic toward Ed. Karen’s attitude remained the same, but she did not stop keeping a close eye on her husband and making sure that he lived up to his promise of increasing the amount of work that he completed each day.

Feeling sorry for Ed

I’m sad for Ed

Regardless, she didn’t seem upset or irritated. She had a revelation in a relatively short amount of time that informed the next steps she should take in light of the situation she was in at the time.

Another talk

She tried again to contact Ed and sent him a message asking him to come to the office so they could discuss the situation together. She was aware that he placed a high value on both his career and the people with whom he worked, but it appeared to her that he wasn’t living up to the expectations that were placed on him in his role because he wasn’t performing at the appropriate level.

Another talk

Another talk

She didn’t dislike him personally; rather, she thought he wasn’t very good at what he did. On a personal level, she didn’t dislike him. It wasn’t that she disliked him as a person; that wasn’t the problem.

An easy solution

Furthermore, when confronted with a circumstance similar to this one, managers can take a simple step to resolve the issue. Karen detested participating in this activity, but she had no choice but to do so at times because she had no other options. She turned to face Ed, who was seated across from her, and the expression in his eyes told her he was depressed even before she made eye contact with him.

An easy solution

An easy solution

Ed was in the seat that faced her directly. It is likely that he was able to foresee what it was that she was going to say even before she actually said it.

She fired him

She went ahead and did it anyway. When she told Ed, “Ed, you’re fired,” he looked at her with wide, sad eyes, then slowly stood up and left her office without saying anything. “Ed, you’re fired.” Ed’s eyes welled up with tears when he learned he was no longer worked there, which he stated in response to her notifying him of the news. Nobody can deny that she feels sorry for him.

She fired him

She fired him

On the other hand, this choice wasn’t made for personal motives; rather, it was based on considerations related to the company. A choice that she would come to regret in a short amount of time…

She had forgotten about him

The next day, after complete the hiring procedure for an additional janitor to join the crew that was already in place, Karen resumed the chores that were typically assigned to her. This new worker would become a member of the team that was already in place. The next day, she was preoccupied with other things, having already moved on from considering Ed the day before. She was preoccupied with other things because she had already gone on.

She forgot about him

She had forgotten about him.

She was used to working amid chaos and getting big new tasks. In addition, she performed well under pressure. She was about to undergo an unexpected change in her life!

It was different for Ed

Even though Karen didn’t think about him for the remainder of the day, Ed was in a different situation than the rest of the group. Despite the fact that Karen didn’t pay him any more attention, this was the situation. Given that he had spent the last 30 years working for the same organization, he would have a tough time finding new work. He was there from the beginning.

It was different for Ed

It was different for Ed

Even though he fulfilled all of the requirements for the job, no one would hire him because of his advanced age and the fact that his only relevant experience was in janitorial work.

Didn’t she remember him?

Ed was taken aback by how quickly Karen ended things. It took him by surprise and he wasn’t expecting it. He knew she had given her job and the company much consideration but was unprepared for her behavior. He had no clue she would behave in such a way. Just that in some contexts she might be very serious and authoritative. Yet he was skeptical that she had noticed him.

Didn’t she remember him?

Didn’t she remember him?

He wasn’t sure if she had even looked in his direction. He questioned whether she had really noticed him at all. Even his existence had to have been acknowledged by her, right?

A conversation with Karen

He made up his mind that he would resist the inclination that would lead to him giving up so quickly, and he vowed to himself that he would. He managed to completely destroy all of his self-assurance and then went back to the place where he had worked in the past. There, he had a conversation with the receptionist and made a request for her to make up a meeting with Karen for him.

A meeting with Karen

A conversation with Karen

When he came, his former coworkers were excited to see him again. They never stopped believing in him and hoping he could find work in his old field!

Interrupting him

He started the conversation by saying, “Karen, I want to talk to you about something,” referring to the topic of the chat between the two of them. She abruptly cut him off after interrupting him in the middle of his statement with “I was hoping you could…” She told him this before cutting him off. “How are you feeling this afternoon, Ed?” Ms. Thompson is speaking to you at this time.

Interrupting him

Interrupting him

Ed was confused, yet he worked through his bewilderment to finish the job. “Ms. Thompson, my apologies and thanks for your understanding. I was merely considering the many scenarios…

She didn’t recognize him

Again, she proceeded in this manner, and this time Ed was unable to complete his sentence before she interrupted him and cut him off. When she turned around, she noticed that someone was passing by her workplace, and she heard a voice calling out to her, “Simone, don’t forget about our meeting later!” Ed had already made up his mind at this point that he would not attempt anything else.

She didn’t recognize him

She didn’t recognize him

He was aware that Karen didn’t recognize him and possibly believed he was inferior. He also knew Karen didn’t recognize him. Additionally, he was aware that Karen did not recognize him.

He left

He was chosen since she was a manager at the company and he was a janitor there. To put it another way, she could interact with him as if he were a human being. In other words, she was able to treat him as a human being. He promptly acknowledged that he was in the wrong and apologized to her before getting up and leaving the office as swiftly as he could.

He left

He left

He contemplated his options as he walked back to his house, considering all of his previous thoughts and meditations about the situation. How could she have forgotten him?

A plan

He’d already planned how to handle the issue and how to carry out his plan once he got home. He blamed his growing dissatisfaction on new work ethics and procedures instituted by others at his workplace, but he had simply adapted to them. He blamed his growing discontent on the new work ethics and practices that others had begun to implement. He attributed his developing discontent with modern work ethics and procedures to his employment.

A plan

A plan

They, like Karen, forgot what the generation that came before them had done for them, and as a direct consequence, they ceased showing respect to individuals who were from older generations.

Teaching her a lesson

As a result, he reasoned that he had to take some kind of action in order to assist Karen in recalling the true identity of the person she had been talking to all along (which was him). It was not his purpose to be cruel or unpleasant; rather, he simply wanted to attempt to persuade her that showing her coworkers a minimum of respect wouldn’t be such a bad thing to do.

Teaching her a lesson

Teaching her a lesson

He didn’t mean to be unkind or hurtful, but rather to try to convince her that it wouldn’t be such a terrible thing to do. He did not intend to be harsh or disagreeable in any way.

He contacted his former coworkers

In order for him to achieve that goal, he called a few of the people who had previously worked with him at the company. Because some of his grandchildren were savvy with computers, he was able to track down some of their contact information and give some of them a call, despite the fact that it was difficult to get in touch with them and that not all of them were still living.

Called his old colleagues

He contacted his former coworkers.

He was successful in locating some of their phone numbers, in spite of the fact that it was difficult to get in touch with them and that not all of them were still alive.

They helped him

They all decided to support him and gave their help after hearing what had happened and what he intended to accomplish. Some of them had been in situations similar to the ones he described, and as a result, they thought his suggestion was fantastic. As a result, they felt his idea was fantastic. They assured him of their dedication by promising to assist him and do everything in their power to make his dream a reality.

They helped him

They helped him

They also indicated that they will do everything in their power to make his concept a reality. Another promise they made to him was that they would do everything in their power to make his concept a reality.

Setting a meeting

First, he gave his approval for a get-together with two of his former workers who were no longer working for the company but had done so in the past. These individuals had previously been employed by the business. It was a great deal simpler to organize things in person as opposed to over the phone, and it would be wonderful to see them once more as well as it would be terrific to see them again.

Setting a meeting

Setting a meeting

However, in order for him to investigate what was in the attic first, they had to wait until he was through. They had to wait until he was finished because they had to.

In the attic

It was also an opportunity for him to solicit the assistance of his grandchildren in carrying out the project. He was concerned about his ability to scale the ladder up to the attic because it had been so long since he had done it. He was in the fortunate position of knowing Michael and Sarah could get up there without incident, so he assigned them an assignment that required them to go there.

In the attic

In the attic

This was because he was certain that Michael and Sarah would be able to ascend there without coming across any difficulties. This was the reason why he said this.

An old photo album

He assigned them the task of looking for an old photo album and told them that it was probably stacked with other old books and photos, so he asked them to look for it in that location. He also advised them that it was probably placed with other old books and photographs. Sarah yelled down to her grandfather from where she was hiding in the attic and said, “Grandpa, what color is it?”

An old photo album

An old photo album

Ed, on the other hand, couldn’t recollect the hue, so he murmured something like, “Erm, blue, I believe!” There’s always the possibility that it’s the color red! Maybe something with a green undertone?

They found it

Sarah let out a deep sigh, and then she proceeded to stand there and do nothing except look at the collection of different things. Then, out of the blue, she stumbled across a large vintage photo album, which she presumed to be the thing that her grandfather had asked her and the rest of her family to search for on his behalf. He had requested that she and her family do this on his behalf.

They found it

They found it

Michael, what are your thoughts on the possibility that this is it?They came to the conclusion that Grandpa should see it, and after he gave them the go-ahead to do so, they brought it downstairs.

Needed it for a friend

When Ed noticed it for the first time, he exclaimed, “Yes, that’s the one!” When he first caught sight of it, he couldn’t help but break out in a broad grin because he was so enthusiastic. He just responded that he needed to present it to an old friend that he hadn’t seen in years when his inquisitive children questioned him why he was so excited with an old album that smelled musty.

Needed it for a friend

Needed it for a friend

The excitement of his children was appeased by this. Because of the album’s ability to bring back pleasant memories and because of the sentimental value it provided, in his opinion, the record was a precious treasure.

Nice to see you again!”

The following day, he met up with two of his former coworkers, Sandra and Robert, who had previously worked together. “Oh, it’s wonderful to see you again!” They both commented that it had been a long time since they had seen one other. It had been at least 15 years since the two of them had last communicated, and it was perfectly likely that it had been much longer.

Nice to see you again!”

Nice to see you again!”

You were completely right in your assessment of that. They had no choice but to communicate with one another once more as a result of the less than ideal conditions that they were placed in.

Small talk

They began by giving each other a brief introduction, during which they addressed themselves, their families, and the grandchildren they were currently caring for. Ed was overjoyed to learn that his former friends had been promoted and were doing well in their positions after he had left the company. Despite the fact that it had been a long time since he had seen them, he still had a lot of affection for them.

Small talk

Small talk

After all, he had worked with them, and despite not seeing them in a while, he still cared about them. despite the lengthy period since he last saw them.

Getting serious

On the other hand, once it was completed, it was time to get down to business. Ed wanted to thank them both for agreeing to collaborate with him on the proposal and for meeting to discuss it. He also wished to express his gratitude for their assistance. Sandra and Robert were moved by what he had to say when they discovered more about Karen from him, particularly how she had treated him.

Getting serious

Getting serious

“However, she never exhibited anything else than kindness at any moment! It is quite difficult for me to believe that she would behave toward you in such a way…

Her old history teacher

Ed had known Karen for a significant amount of time prior to this point in time due to the fact that he had taught history to her while she was a senior in high school and had been Ed’s student. Her chosen subject of study in general was history, and throughout the time they spent together, she referred to him as her preferred teacher. This is because her preferred field of study in general was history.

Her old history teacher

Her old history teacher

Her favorite subject to study in school, she said, was history. Nobody should be surprised, let alone completely surprised, by this. And a long time ago, many decades ago, he was of great assistance to her.

Divorce proceedings

Karen’s second year of life was fraught with difficulties. She had to contend not only with the typical rigors of school, but also with the mental turbulence produced by her parents’ nasty divorce. She was juggling both of these problems. Everyone could tell she was upset because she frequently arrived at school with tears pouring down her cheeks and a tired look in her eyes from not getting enough sleep the night before.

Going through a divorce

Divorce proceedings

There were times when the weight of the responsibility she shouldered despite her youth gave the feeling that it could not be borne for much longer. These moments were few and far between.

Getting bad grades

She was going through a difficult time in her life, and if Ed hadn’t assisted her in some way, she would never have been able to succeed in the class she was enrolled in at the time. Because of the chaos at home, it did not appear likely that she would have a productive day at school. She was unlikely to have a productive day at school as a result of the chaos.

Getting bad grades

Getting bad grades

She had difficulty concentrating in class as well as on the many different assignments that she was expected to do, which was one of the contributing factors that contributed to her receiving marks that were below average.

Failing subject

Because of her poor performance in a number of her classes, particularly history, a situation that was already challenging became even more challenging. As a result of the fact that Ed’s parents had also been through the process of getting a divorce, he had first-hand knowledge of how difficult it could be for a child to be caught in the middle of the conflict that occurred between his or her parents.

Failing subject

Failing subject

The overwhelming majority of educators, if given the option, would have preferred to avoid being made aware of this piece of information. Due to the fact that she had done this, he absolved her of her responsibilities.

He upped her grade

Ed decided toward the conclusion of the school year to let Karen pass his class. As a result of his judgment, he increased her grade somewhat to account for the fact that she was permitted to pass. He fulfilled his wish to explain his plan to her one day by following through on his request to have her stay up after class so that he could explain his plan to her, which he accomplished.

He upped her grade

He upped her grade

Karen was so taken aback when she learned of the unexpected act of generosity that had been performed for her that she couldn’t even close her mouth. Almost immediately, she began crying tears of gratitude and relief.
